Relapse Prevention in Pflugerville, TX

Addiction is a type of brain disease that is chronic and incurable. Even though the disease is incurable, people who may be addicted to drugs or alcohol can learn to control their addiction. By attending a drug and alcohol rehab facility, they can get their systems cleaned out using medical detox and they can then receive therapy and counseling to help them stay clean and perhaps find sober living in Pflugerville. There are many options that can assist with relapse prevention in Pflugerville.

If you attend a facility for relapse prevention in Pflugerville, you will be informed of the many options available. Programs for relapse prevention can include the 12-steps program, for example, or art therapy.

Relapse prevention programs can be tailored to specific individual needs. You will have the option to choose the relapse prevention programs that you think will best suit you. The goal of our relapse prevention in Pflugerville is to keep you healthy.

What Is Relapse Prevention?

When people develop an addiction to alcohol or drugs, they will often seek professional help to manage their illness. The first stage in the recovery process is for people to stop using drugs or alcohol. Drug and alcohol rehab facilities can help them get clean by providing them with medical detox in Pflugerville. This involves using medications to help people successfully get through the withdrawal process.

However, even though people have rid their bodies of drugs or alcohol, the desire to use those substances will still remain. They will feel powerful compulsions to reuse the addictive substance.

A key component of programs to help people with addiction is preparing them to handle these compulsions without resorting to drugs or alcohol. These programs for relapse prevention take many different forms and can consist of many different aspects.

Relapse Statistics Amongst Addicts and Alcoholics

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) estimates that between 40 and 60% of people who are trying to quit drugs or alcohol will relapse.

It is very important to understand that a relapse should not be deemed a failure. Even though these statistics show that there is around a 1 in 2 chance of relapsing, they hide the fact that many people who relapse will eventually succeed in quitting totally.

Furthermore, NIDA points out that the relapse rates for addiction to drugs or alcohol is similar to relapse rates for people with other illnesses. It would be unthinkable to regard somebody with diabetes who breaks dietary rules as a failure.

In the same way, somebody recovering from addiction should not be seen as a failure if he or she resorts to using drugs or alcohol again. Many programs for relapse prevention explain this to their participants and encourage them to re-enter treatment facilities to try again.

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Relapse

Changes in behavior and lifestyle are an indication that a person may be about to relapse. People with addiction who attend programs for relapse prevention may start skipping scheduled appointments or meetings.

Stages of Relapse

Very few people make an instant decision to reuse drugs or alcohol, particularly when they have successfully managed to get clean. Experts who have administered relapse prevention programs have identified a number of stages that people tend to go through before they actually begin reusing.

Denial is a characteristic of addiction. People with alcohol or drug problems convince themselves that they have everything under control. In the first stage of relapse, the recovering addict struggles to deal with feelings. Experts call this stage emotional relapse.

The recovering addict becomes defensive when people try to talk to the recovering addict about his or her well-being. The addict will develop feelings of crisis, and start to believe that there is no way to deal with any problems. The recovering addict becomes lethargic. Feelings of hopelessness prevent the addict from staying active.

Emotional tension builds up, often resulting in angry outbursts. The addict then begins to suffer from depression, and mental relapse begins. During this stage, the addict will start thinking about reusing and behavioral changes will occur. The recovering addict then realizes how dangerous the situation is, but feels nobody can help. The addict will feel that he or she has very limited options, one of which is relapse. The final stage is physical relapse when the addict reuses.

If you would like to get more information about relapse prevention in Pflugerville, contact our drug and alcohol rehab facility. We offer relapse prevention programs to anybody who is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction. Our relapse prevention programs are custom built to help you start living healthily and productively again. Call us now at (877) 804-1531.

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