Prescription Drug Rehab in Pflugerville, TX

Prescription drugs play a major role in helping us to live longer, happier lives. However, for some people, prescription drugs can become a serious problem when those people become addicted to the drugs that were meant to help them. At our facility for prescription drug rehab in Pflugerville, we help people who find themselves in this situation. Without treatment for prescription drug addiction, people will find it very difficult to rid themselves of their addiction.

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Prescription Drug Addiction

Prescription drug addiction is an inability to stop taking the drug, even when doing so causes harm. Addiction is a type of illness that makes people feel overwhelming cravings for the addictive substance. It is characterized by a dependence on the drug, and an inability to perform everyday tasks well without taking the drug.

If you regularly start using prescription drugs in a way that is not prescribed, such as taking higher dosages, it may be time to seek treatment for prescription drug addiction. If you begin to suffer withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking your prescription drug, you have become dependent on that drug. You can get help to quit at our prescription drug addiction rehab facility.

Health Risks of Prescription Drug Addiction

Just as there are health risks associated with taking illegal drugs, there are also risks when people are addicted to prescription drugs. Addiction causes people to lose control of their drug use. The drug to which they are addicted becomes the focal point of their lives. Getting and taking the drug will become the most important issue to them.

If they are struggling financially, they will use whatever money they have to buy the drugs they need. They would sooner buy drugs than food, and many will be malnourished.

People with an addiction to prescription drugs will fail to look after themselves properly. Their poor diet and general neglect of health lowers their ability to fight off common illnesses. They are more prone to colds, flu and other types of infection.

As authorities are clamping down on prescription drug abuse, it is getting harder for people to get legitimate supplies of the drug they need. That makes them turn to unauthorized sources. They will buy drugs from these sources without really knowing what those drugs contain. There are many counterfeit drugs available on the black market, and many of these are highly dangerous.

Law enforcement authorities have seized many of these counterfeit products, and analysis of some of them is simply scary. Counterfeit oxycodone pills have been found to contain fentanyl. Fentanyl is a synthetic drug whose potency is up to 100 times stronger than morphine and up to 50 times more potent than heroin. Fentanyl has been responsible for a huge increase in deaths from accidental overdoses.

Even when people can manage to satisfy their addiction with legitimate drugs, they run the risk of serious damage to their health, including death. As people use drugs, their tolerance to them builds up.

They need to increase the amount they use to satisfy their cravings. This puts stress on their organs. It can eventually lead to organ failure, which can be fatal. Respiratory failure is another health risk from excessive use of prescription drugs.

Rather than take these health risks, people should consider treatment for prescription drug addiction at a prescription drug addiction rehab facility. It is possible for people to regain control of their lives, and many people who have attended our facility for prescription drug rehab in Pflugerville have gone on to lead happy, healthy lives.

Treatment Options and Prescription Drug Rehab in Pflugerville

Treatment for prescription drug addiction at our facilities for prescription drug rehab in Pflugerville are similar to those for treatment of addiction to illegal drugs. The first stage is a controlled medical detox in Pflugerville to help people get off the drugs without dealing with the trauma of withdrawal. This is followed up by therapy and counseling to help people remain free of the addictive substance.

Treatment is offered on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Those who opt for inpatient treatment will become resident in one of our facilities for prescription drug rehab in Pflugerville. Outpatients attend the same treatment programs in Pflugerville, but they return home each day.

Those who attend our prescription drug addiction rehab facility will learn the skills they need to stay clean and sober. Our prescription drug addiction rehab facility is staffed by vastly experienced people who can help you make a full recovery from your addiction problems. Call us now at (877) 804-1531

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